The Unnamable Crimes of Katherina Hetzeldorfer
I am writing this with full knowledge that what I am about to write should not be written. For the best approach to such crimes as follow is to allow them to disappear into oblivion. For they are so heinous that they should not even be spoken. However, I feel it necessary to write this as events have been bubbling over and I do not know if silence is still the best option. The only way of course to understand this sort of female sodomy, is to understand it through the lens of men. For how else can we look at intercourse but through men. Now, I do not even have a word for this monstrous crime. Amongst men it might be called sodomy, but amongst women it is far more heinous and therefore unnamable.
Women should behave as women. Women who behave as men violate nature and society. It is against God and against order. Katherina Hetzeldorfer was one such woman. She behaved, as a man, an ultimate crime. A treasonous crime one might say. As she tried to usurp power that was not hers and send the natural order toppling to the ground. It reminds one of the original sin. Not Eve’s, but Lilith’s. When Lilith demanded that she might be on top during intercourse with Adam. Her punishment, to be a demon who murders children for eternity. How much worse to not only demand to top a man but to take on his role. What other terrible things could result from such a toppling of the natural order! Will the peasant rule the pope! The parishioner hears the priest’s confession! The meek inherit the earth!
Though I fear writing the details of this case, for there is the possibility that it could give weak-willed women ideas, but it may also protect other women who would not have their soul stained in such a manner. For two of the women that Hetzeldorfer seduced did not know she was not a man. And though it is certainly a sin to engage in such acts outside of wedlock with a man, they did not know how bad a sin. Hetzeldorfer began with one finger, then two then three and finally she used an instrument she constructed that stood between her legs. She created the instrument using “a red piece of leather, at the front filled with cotton, and a wooden stick stuck into it, and made a hole through the wooden stick, put a string through, and tied it round.” Else Muter even claims that she saw her urinate out of this and that the amount of semen emitted by Hetzeldorfer was enormous. Muter, who is married, was coerced into intercourse for the substantial sum of eight florins. Hetzeldorfer took advantage of these women. Looking like a man, behaving like a man, and with an instrument which as the women claim was a large as half an arm. Watch especially when strangers come to town, for some women travel to usurp the role of a man where they are not known. Women are easily drawn into sin, do not be like these women if you care for your immortal soul.
Katherina Hetzeldorfer engaged in sexual conduct with a woman she would try to protect as her “sister” but God will let all things be known and she could not bear the weight of her lie. God brought her end with the womanly death of drowning, well-deserved and fitting her womanly form. A woman’s death, in public, to reinstate the natural order. Though that lust-filled woman who claimed to be her sister, though those who were in Hetzeldorfer’s confidence know she described herself as husband to this woman, escaped Speyer and has not been found by man, surely, she will face her punishment before God. However, if it had just been that Hetzeldorfer engaged in this salacious act with one woman, perhaps it could be ignored and we could forget this terrible crime ever happened. She would still be drowned of course, for her sins, but our community could quickly move on. We know this is not the case. We know that she advanced in the manner that a man might on at least two other women in Speyer. Those are just the two that have been willing to come forward. Perhaps there are others who are ashamed, embarrassed or even guilty. Guilty, because they not only allowed it to happen, but enjoyed it while it happened. It is bad enough for a woman to enjoy having intercourse when that intercourse is within the sanctity of a marriage and for the sole purpose of producing children (the only reason for it, of course), but to enjoy it with a person of the same sex, with no possibility of children or marriage. That is a heavy sin indeed.
Most importantly the natural order must be protected. We all have an interest in this, for if we do not keep the world right-side up, then
chaos will reign. Women will wage wars. Men will nurse children. People will have intercourse for pleasure! Marriage might be for love and not simply children and financial gain! This is not the world we want to live in.