My wife, the witch
I’m really worried about writing this, because it could really hurt people I love and care about, but I also know that what I am doing is wrong, so I will just get it out there. I am pretty sure my wife is a witch. That is I know my wife is a witch. How am I so sure you ask? When she gave birth to our first child, she only allowed one woman near the bed and that woman was her mother, other than her mother she was completely shut away from the world. I thought little of it at the time, but have since thought about it and find it very strange. I have also woken up in the middle of the night and found her gone, when I ask her about it in the morning she will not tell me where. I followed her one night to the edge of the forest, but feared going any further. However, I saw many other women going into the forest after her. Then I went home. The next day I was in the field with my six-year-old daughter, as you know there has been a minor draught, but nothing too important, however, it gave
me an idea, certainly if the mother is a witch, she has trained her daughter to be one as well. I said that I wished that it would rain soon; my daughter said that she could make it rain. I asked her to do so, so that I could have proof she wasn’t just being imaginative, and she made it rain. I then asked her how she did that; she said she just had to ask one of her masters. When I asked her who her masters were, she said they were the men who went into mother’s room while I was out in the fields. At first, I was in a fury when I heard this. However, even though my wife is a witch, I still love her, and I don’t know if I want her to burn even though I know it must happen. Is it truly awful for me to let her live? Will I be damned? Truthfully, there is another reason I fear to give her up. When I told her I knew what she was, she said if I turned her in, she would make sure one of her witch friends would cast a spell on me so that I might lose my penis. I know it is just an illusion, but still, I don’t want to be a eunuch.