Are you ready... for SEX?
You are a minor until you are twelve years of age, even if you have grown hairs. However, if you have two hairs in the lower region of your body (you know where we mean) and you are a day over twelve, you have become a maiden. Then six months later, you become a mature woman and are totally ready for sex.
If by age 20 you have not grown the two hairs, sorry, you are a BARREN WOMAN, unless you have no other signs that point to this, then you are still a minor, but by age 35, you will be assumed a BARREN WOMAN.
There are eight upper-tokens, which if a woman has ALL of them (even without the two hairs) she can be assumed to be an adult woman.
When you stretch your hand backward, a crease forms in the place of your breast
The color of the tip of your boob becomes darker
When a person places his (or her) hand on the end of your breast, it remains depressed slightly before rising
Creases form at the end of your boobs, and a nipple takes shape
The breasts protrude
They become erect
Your mound of Venus forms (the area right above your vag and below your stomach)
The flesh of this mound becomes soft and not
The hairs must be long enough to be bent over the root of the hairs.
If you have had a child you are definitely an adult
Male witnesses can testify as to age.
If you are three and one day, you can be betrothed through intercourse only with your father’s consent.
You are a minor until the age of thirteen, even if you have grown hairs down below.
The same rules for women apply here for men. If you reach 20 and no hairs appear, but also no signs of a EUNUCH, then you are still a minor, if any token of a EUNUCH appears in you, you are an adult. However, if he has grown two hairs of his beard at least a month before his twentieth birthday, he is not considered a EUNUCH. You can find the token of the Eunuch in Maimonides’ The Book of Women: Treaties I: Marriage.
The hairs must be long enough to be bent over the root of the hairs.