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How Queen's Lose the Smallpox Marks

Just because you had smallpox and now your face is all covered in marks that is no reason to not go out as much as you want. Just put on a little...or a lot of makeup and you can be on your way to being the belle of the ball. I had smallpox at age 25, I was in the prime of life and beauty, but you can't choose when a disease will hit you and I just had to figure out how to make myself beautiful after and now you can too. Now, I know what you are thinking. Elizabeth, you are the Queen of England, that is why people tell you you are beautiful, it has nothing to do with your makeup. And yes, I am Queen, that is important, but believe me, I look great and though i wish I could do what I did before the smallpox and just wake up looking fine (like hot/gorgeous not okay) but sometimes you survive a deadly disease and it's important that after that you look your best even (maybe especially) if you have NO INTENTION OF GETTING MARRIED (check it advisors). That is not what it is about.

You probably have noticed the absolute key to covering up those pesky marks is the heavy white make-up I wear on a daily basis. This is made of a white lead (for some people white lead can also be used as a skin-peeler to eliminate the scars, but personally I find covering them up to be the best solution) and vinegar, you mix those together and cover your entire face with it. Fortunately, being pale is in, so most women will be doing this, even those not trying to hide scars.

Go over your cheeks with red dye and egg whites, this will bring out your cheeks and further cover up your scars.

Put rouge on your lips, this will attract people to your lips and they will be struck by them rather than intensely focusing on the scars.

Wear lots of jewelry. Once again jewelry distracts, people will not notice any scars that might show through if they can't help but admire your bedazzled frame.

Have many different dresses. I must have over 2,000 dresses, when you are always wearing something different everyone needs to take that in and can't possibly focus on something that is on you everyday like your face. Plus wearing all those different dresses is so much fun!

Some say you can use mercury as a skin peeler but I don't think that is necessary and sometimes skin-peelers can be more trouble than they are worth. I say cover it up and be done with it.

Remember, just cause you had smallpox does not mean your life has to end. And you don't have to be a Queen to look fabulous right after you recover.

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