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6 Hot Reasons to Remain a Virgin

1) The truth has been revealed Christ revealed to us the truth; therefore if one is determined enough and can avoid the sins of the flesh there is no duty anymore to continue the human race. Were we to all stop sinning with our flesh, the human race would die to be born again eternal.

2)Christ did it However, you must remember not to take much pride in this. You must have humility, for pride is a sin and offends God.

3)Spiritual Kinship> Physical kinship Your blood ties are kinda nbd compared with your spiritual ties to the community of your fellow Christians, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t have kids.

4)Near impossible for a married woman to be totally devoted to God Likely she will be too concerned with pleasing her husband to be concerned with pleasing God, not saying it’s impossible, just unlikely.

5)Angelic Life (on Earth) Just being a virgin won’t do this, but if you add humility and love and avoidance of other sins to your virginity, you are living the angelic life.

6)Loving Christ Christ becomes your spouse, and how cool is that?! He is the most beautiful of men, and his mysteries are far greater and more fulfilling then any earthly mans. He is your servant on earth, but you are his in heaven.

None of this should be taken as reasons not to marry. Although virginity is in some ways more heavenly and is perhaps the ultimate goal of humanity, true virginity can only be achieved if you desire it. If you do not have sex but spend all your time wishing you could, then that is not virginity. You must be humble and virtuous. You must be a virgin for God, not so that other men will respect you more. Married life is perfectly good, but virginity can give you even more time to focus on God.

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